Fiction Friday ~ Big Magic!!

Happy Fiction Friday everyone! Two posts in one week?? What is this 2017?? I’m trying so so hard guys trying to get back on the blogging game, I’m just having a hard time balancing it all but I miss it so much. 2019 look out cause this space will be back on it’s feet!

Today I want to talk about a book that I am currently in the middle of by Elizabeth Gilbert.

Big Magic

This is “Big Magic Creative Living Beyond Fear” by Elizabeth Gilbert. I’m halfway through it and it’s one of those books where I read a section put it down and pick it up the next day, read a section and repeat. Which is something I tend to do when it’s a non-fiction book and something where I need to reflect on before I read it again. I tend to read quickly and with (I guess this is a kind of self-help book) type of book I need to take a step back and process what I read.

This subject is something that deals with your creativity and living your life to it’s fullest. It is extremely well written and flows beautifully and if you are a creative person (which I think everyone is) and feel like you are in a rut or feel like you are constantly holding yourself back, I 100% believe this book is something you should read. It’s realistic with realistic goals to set and it’s honest.

With the new year approaching I think it’s a great book to get your new year started in the right direction! Happy reading!

Have you read it? Let me know!

Until next time,



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